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Gabrielle Christensen | Staff Reporter
September 3, 2014; 11:50 p.m.
For the 6th consecutive year, Forest Park will be filled with yoga, massages, and various other activities.
St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness (SLOCA) is throwing the annual event “Rise ‘n Shine, Yoga for SLOCA”. The event will be held at the beautiful World’s Fair Pavilion in Forest Park on Sunday, September 28, 2014 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.
SLOCA is inviting all St. Louisans to support the organization throughout various events and activities that are planned during the St. Louis observance of National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
Founder, executive director and Embee, Michelle Abounader, is exciting to welcoming the participants. “The event is intended to raise awareness and money as well as inner spirit and nonetheless to move your body through the yoga”.
Anyone can participate and yoga experience is not a requirement. “Usually we have around 200 participants. We also have free massages and henna tattoss”, Abounader adds.
St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness will be partnering with area yoga instructors; 20 instructors will lead all participants through 108 sun salutations. Each of these is a 12-breath series of yoga poses linked in a row guided by Brad Smith’s rhythmic Kirtan music. It is optional for every participant how many or few of the sun salutation each of them wants to participate in.
According to Abounader there will be options for those who wants a more gentle level as well. “There will be chair yoga available and for those who just wants to watch, they should be more than welcome”.
St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness is inviting the St. Louis fashion designer, Amy Johnson of Kay Oss Designs, to be the event’s guest speaker and she will be sharing her experience with ovarian cancer. Furthermore, the member of SLOCA’s board of directors and oncology nurse, Nancy Larson, will be speaking about the difficulties associated with ovarian cancer as well as ovarian cancer treatment.
For registration visit www.sloca.org. The cost to pre-register is $35 per person through September 14th or $40 after that date.