Aeriel Niccum | Assistant News Editor
Published February 18, 2015; 2:30 p.m.
Co-ed service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega hosted Toys For Pups today in the Evans Commons atrium from 1-2:30 p.m.
Students took three strips of fabric and braided them into tug-of-war toys for dogs who are currently being housed at the local Five Acres animal shelter.
“One of our members at the Campus Y heard about Five Acres and we decided to volunteer,” said member AJ Garms. “We saw the handmade toys and asked if they’d accept them if we made some. [Five Acres] only wants about two to three people volunteering at a time, which doesn’t work well for the whole group, so this is a good way for the whole fraternity to give to Five Acres.”
Toys for Pups hits close to home for freshman Ashley Harding.
“I came because I really like dogs. I got one of my dogs from a no kill shelter and the other from a pound so this really means a lot to me,” said Harding.
Freshman Danielle Kokuzian concurred and added, “This is a really fun way to help homeless animals enjoy themselves while they’re homeless.”