Aaron Vento | Staff Reporter
Published February 18, 2015; 4:40 p.m
LU held a press conference at 2 p.m. on Sibley Day in regards to the recent events in Ferguson including some plans to help improve its image and give Ferguson high school students some great new opportunities.
President Evans began by saying that LU is always happy to help out communities around the St. Louis area. Ferguson mayor James Knowles followed up with how trying the last six months have been for his town, yet it always amazes him how the various communities are always able to come together to help one another out.
LU philosophy professor Rachel Douchant went on to say that Ferguson is a “beautiful, safe community” and she urges everyone to come out on Saturday April 25th for the first annual Ferguson Community Day as well as to follow #FergusonFavorites on Twitter In conjunction with Ameristar Casino. LU announced that together they would be giving over $625,000 in scholarships to high school seniors in the Ferguson area. Mayor James Knowles goal is to eventually bring Ferguson back to the way it once was.