Devin King | News Editor
April 7, 2016; 3 p.m.
Students will have the option of two new meal plans to choose from, in addition to the current 19-meals-per-week plan, starting next semester.
Dubbed an “all you care to eat” format in a press release by Lindenwood, the two new “block meal plans,” in which either 140 or 100 meals will be offered per semester. These block meal plans are a set number of meals per semester that can be used at any of the 19 meal times offered each week.
Block meals can be redeemed at all St. Charles and Belleville campus dining sites, such as the Spellmann or Evans dining halls, Butler Loft, Dixon Dining Hall or Matt’s Café. All participants may use one meal per dining session.
Nancy Tinker, director of dining services, said that the idea for multiple meal plans came as a direct response to student opinion surveys.
“Students want a choice,” Tinker said, adding that some students who participated in the survey said they never ate their full 19 meals a week.

The 19-meal-per-week plan includes a $50 declining balance per semester. The 140-meal block plan includes a $150 declining balance and the 100-meal block plan includes a $350 declining balance. The declining balances can be used at any of the university food service locations to purchase extra food.
Ticker said there will be no price difference between the meal plans.
Examples given in the press release of how declining place works include: “a value exchange for a meal swipe could be a chicken sandwich, waffle fries, and a soft drink. Students will be able to add additional items–like a side salad or brownie–with their declining balance points.”
Tinker said that some students felt that they could not get other food expenses, such as coffee, because they felt the current meal plan would not allow them to do so.
When a student uses their declining balance, the system will subtract money spent on the food purchased from their balance account. Declining balance purchases are non-refundable and must be spent before the closing day of each semester.
Tinker said that Information Technology is currently incorporating an option on the student portal where students can select they ideal meal plan, and that day admissions will know have students choose a meal plan when they enroll.
For more information on the dining changes coming to Lindenwood, email