Connor Johnson | Staff Reporter
February 19; 8:58 p.m.
An informal meeting was held on Sibley Day for students who are interested in studying abroad while attending college. A representative from an organization named Studio Art Centers International opened the meeting by sharing that studying abroad in Italy was one of the best experiences of his life. Various options were then presented to students of locations and different programs to study while they lived in different countries.
Some of these options included trips to Spain, Costa Rica, the United Kingdom and India. While studying in these countries, students can take classes in a broad range of subjects including art, film, business and anthropology.
Opportunities to study abroad are organized into: short term trips, summer long sessions, semester long trips and the option of obtaining a master’s degree for an entire year.
Presenters of the potential opportunities to study abroad included Michael Whaley, Ryan Guffey, James Hutson, Christina Dames and other professors who have are a part of study abroad opportunities.
Financial aid options are also available for students who have financial concerns. Students who are interested in studying abroad can contact Professor James Hutson at [email protected].