Tyler Tousley | Opinions Editor
From Print [August 25, 2015] | Legacy

As the school year begins, we as students look forward to a lot of things. We get to see friends we haven’t seen since May. We get to be independent from our parents. We get back to our extracurricular activities. The one thing every resident student does not look forward to, however, is the internet.
It is no secret that the wireless connection in the dorms is often unreliable, slow, and we are all fighting a losing battle for space on the internet. Unless you have an Ethernet cable, don’t count on a solid internet connection.
As of this fall, though, the internet should be fixed and work properly for the students who reside in dorms. Lindenwood is changing its wireless service provider to Apogee ResNet, and there are high hopes for improvement.
With this new provider, each student is given the same amount of access to the internet with space set aside for each student to have five devices connected. The access points will be in every other room as opposed to only one for each dorm.
The most appealing part to me, however, is the 24-hour student support provided by Apogee. According to the statistics provided by the company, questions are answered in an average of 13 seconds with 94 percent being resolved. That’s much better than the services we have had.
Previously, if we had problems with our connection, we had to go to IT and ask them. My problem was that I was always in class or at work when IT was open, and when it was 2 a.m. and my internet stopped working, I was out of luck. Now students can contact the support line over the phone or even through an online Live Chat any time of the day, seven days a week. I love Lindenwood and am excited that the administration is trying to fix complaints the students have. Hopefully, this is the end of bad internet connections. Now if they could just improve the food and parking.