Lena Kirchner | Reporter
From Print [Nov. 10, 2015] | Legacy
Lindenwood’s website, logo and advertisements now look “like no other.”
Students began seeing official changes Nov. 2. The biggest difference is a redesign of the letterheads and the new slogan “like no other.”
Executive Director for Communications and Marketing Scott Queen said the university wanted to create a new look.
The mission statement got revised as well, and it now states: “We do things differently, and it shows. Opportunity abounds in this community as we invest in the strengths of our diverse student body.”

The new slogan can be heard on radio commercials and can be seen on several billboards in the area.
Queen worked with a marketing agency, as well as President Michael Shonrock on the new marketing concept for Lindenwood over the past months.
“The president was a driving force behind this,” Queen said. “Dr. Shonrock was very energetic in this process.”
Over the summer, the brand audit gathered samples of all Lindenwood publications that have been made over the last several years and put all of them on a wall together. This procedure provided the audit a starting point to think of potential changes.
“It was very telling.” Queen said. “It told us that we need better promotion.”
The school worked with a marketing agency and collected information from students and faculty through surveying and focus group testing. After that, a 30-page brand standard booklet was created, and the changes took place.
The St. Charles campus shares a unified and cohesive layout with the Belleville campus, differentiated only by the respective colors gold and red.
As of now, the change is not completed.