Photo by Phil Brahm
Tyler Tousley | Opinions Editor
April 4, 2016; 4:45 p.m.
Students on Lindenwood’s St. Charles campus received an email on April 4, 2016 announcing the school’s updated visitation policy.
As of July 1, 2016 students who live in the off-campus housing will be allowed to host visitors from noon to midnight, the same policy currently in effect for the university’s dorms.
A Lindenwood Student Government Association bill requesting a new visitation policy was reviewed by President Michael Shonrock and Board of Directors Chairman, Jim J. Shoemake.
According to the email sent out to students, President Shonrock said, “We respect our students and view them as adults. We want to provide the same visitation opportunities throughout our residential communities.”
Student Senator Saana Ahokas, a junior at Lindenwood from Finland, wrote the bill and was, “really impressed with the administration’s desire to engage in the conversation,” according to the email.
The university has 1,000 residential students who do not live in dorms, all of whom will be impacted by this policy change.
In the email, Terry Russell, the Director of Residential Life also said that, “The privilege of receiving visitors is granted because the university has faith in the student’s ability to be responsible. However, the opportunity still requires certain understandings, boundaries, and responsibilities.”
In excitement for the change, the Resident Hall Association made a video spoofing the change.