Michael Coffey (left) and Kyle Sherman (right) with Their 2015-16 NCBCA Awards.
Walker Van Wey | Reporter
May 5, 2016; 3 p.m.
Lindenwood’s Student Life Sports have produced many noteworthy names over the years and especially in recent history.
After the 2015-2016 bowling season, they can add one more name to the list: sophomore Michael Coffey.
Coffey was named the 2016 NCBCA Most Valuable Player.
As if being the first collegiate MVP in Lindenwood history wasn’t enough, Coffey also won the IMBA MVP title as well.
“It was definitely great,” Coffey said. “IMBA is awesome but Collegiate title is the one everybody wants.”
Coffey humbly accepted the award similar to his demeanor after winning the NCBCA Rookie of the Year or any one of his 35 international medals.
The list could fill the rest of the article.
The title of MVP didn’t necessarily catch him by surprise.
He knew his reliable contribution would offer the highest payoff.
“You can’t really tell during the season, but you kind of have an idea,” Coffey said. “You can’t really be really high and then really low. Winning the MVP is all about being consistent.”
Coffey was proud of being the first MVP in Lindenwood history, but it was actually not the most pride bowling has given him yet. Coffey shattered the record for highest pinfall in 12 games at the 2015 Tournament of the Americas and even that wasn’t his favorite accomplishment.
“I set the record for highest pinfall in 12 games last year,” Coffey said “but my proudest accomplishment is that I’ve completely funded myself through college through bowling.”
The average athletic scholarship received is $10,400 which is incredibly helpful for students who have spent their lives training.
However, according to the Institute of College Access and Success, the average student debt for a college graduate is well over $25,000. In retrospect, having a part-time job to fill the time spent training could potentially make up for the loss, so it becomes a matter of whether the experience is worth the effort.
In Coffey’s case, it was more than worth it.
As a sophomore, Coffey still has some time left in college to hone his skills as he finishes his degrees. As far as bowling goes, his sights are set on a career beyond collegiate MVP and a debt-free education.
“I want to go on to play on the pro tour,” Coffey said. “My first goal was to pay college. Next is the pro tour. I’ve got the first one.”
Coffey added that none of his success would have been possible without those close to him.
“I have to thank the people who have gotten me to this point,” Coffey said. “My mom, dad, grandma and my coach.”