By Wesley Thomas | Reporter
June 21, 2016; 11:50 p.m.

Photo taken from Lindenwood University
Koi Nikole would rather see her debut book, “The Phoenix Awakens,” in women’s shelters than on the shelves at a local book store.
The author, whose real name is Sharron Nicole, is a Missouri native, a motivational speaker, blogger, entrepreneur and Lindenwood alumna who has a bachelor’s degree in corporate communications and master’s degree in art and communication. A single mother of five — four sons and one daughter — Nicole plans to use her knowledge and experiences to help others who are going through what she did.
“’The Phoenix Awakens’ is a book of empowerment through poetic prose featuring 30 color photographs that capture the cyclical strengthening of the Phoenix,” said Nicole. “It is about the escalation of one’s power.”
Her collection of prose poetry is the product of her surviving and thriving after a controlling marriage of almost 14 years. During this process she stumbled upon a book called “Verbal Abuse Survivors Speak Out,” by Patricia Evans, a leading speaker for verbal abuse and its victims.
“The book replayed incidents actually happening in my life, walked me through the experiences and strengthened me through its knowledge,” Nicole said.
The book targets women ages 24-45 who are in need of confidence in oppressive situations and controlling relationships.
Anyone who has ever needed to be encouraged to draw strength from within will benefit, Nicole said.
She wants the book to give solutions to women and for women to be able to see themselves in her writings. For this reason, Nicole said it is important that she gets her book in every women’s shelter across the nation, a total of 1,600 shelters.
For those looking to donate or purchase a copy of “The Phoenix Awakens,” go to www.ThePhoenix
For more information on reading and book signing dates, visit the website of email Nicole at