LINDSEY FIALA | Online Editor
As phones and other electronics become more popular, friendships are being maintained more through social media and texting and less through in-person interactions.
While this way of keeping friendships is convenient and is needed for long-distance friendships and relationships, staying tuned to who your friends really are can become a challenge. With the new social game app FriendO, maintaining these relationships not only becomes easier, but a lot more fun and exciting.

Photo illustration by Lindsey Fiala
FriendO creates a platform between people that allows you to answer a question about yourself and send it to your friends to see how well they know you. There are many different categories of questions that range from food to celebrities to animals to your beliefs.
Friends can choose from three questions each turn from whichever category they choose. The goal is to answer 10 questions correct first to win the round.
With how busy people are, especially students, it is not uncommon for friends not to talk for weeks at a time. FriendO is an easy way to stay connected with people you are not around every day. There are thousands of questions in the game, which almost guarantees you to learn something new about your friends.
For students who are living away from home, FriendO can be a great tool to keep old friendships going. You can also message your friends through the app and connect your profile through Facebook, so you can add all of your friends from there as well.
FriendO is indeed a silly app that will make you laugh out loud at all of the random questions your friends will send you. The more people you invite to the game, the more categories you can unlock.
The more you play, the more you look forward to receiving a notification letting you know it’s your turn to guess if your friend thinks Iggy Azalea’s butt is real or not.
So if you’ve ever been curious as to how your friend likes his barbecue or at what height your friend would jump into a pool from, FriendO might be a good app for you.