Student government’s proposal to change the weekly meeting to a bi-monthly meeting and change funds requests was passed.
- Because of low attendance, the executive board drafted an amendment to make general assembly meetings now on the first and third Wednesday of every month.
- Additionally, to shorten meetings, a change in voting for funds requests was included in the amendment. Now if the request is under $500, the senators only vote, but if the request is over $500 the general assembly must vote on it. Organizations can make a written appeal if their fund request is denied.
- The constitutional changes will go into effect the first Wednesday of next semester.
- The meeting time and place in Dunseth Auditorium at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays, will stay the same. Senators will still continue meeting every week at the same time and place and clubs will still have to present their funds requests to the senators in person.
Besides the constitution revisal, student government adviser Angie Royal gave out some advice, students promoted events and seven funds requests were passed.
- The Social Work Student Alliance is collecting money to buy a single mother gifts for her children for Christmas. For more information about this, email kmm162@lindenwood.edu. The deadline to donate is Dec. 10 at 2 p.m.
- Royal encouraged students to put in social media requests as well as flyers to promote their events. The Weekly Roar is sent to 6,275 students and the Student Involvement Facebook page has 2,500 followers.
A total of $15,490.98 is left in the General Funds after the meeting today. The following funds requests were approved:
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- Service Fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega’s hot chocolate bar for Winterfest
- Phi Delta Theta’s smores for Winterfest
- Sigma Sigma Sigma’s ornaments for Winterfest
- Theatre Fraternity, Alpha Psi Omega’s Christmas Party
- Black Student Union’s Karaoke Night
- Lindenwood College Republican’s giving out Kickstarts to start finals week
- Sigma Sigma Sigma’s philanthropy Dance-D-Thon event to support the March of Dimes