ARIN FROIDL | Reporter
Rush Week is a tried and true part of Greek Life on campuses across the country. Fraternities at Lindenwood hold a week-long formal recruitment at the beginning of both fall and spring semesters.
This year’s Fraternity Rush Week will start on Jan. 22 and the four Lindenwood fraternities have planned events to showcase the best side of Greek Life.
“[Greek Life is] just growing exponentially,” said Grayson Wolcott, Phi Lambda Chi recruitment chair. “We’ve got a great community here, not just my fraternity, but the other fraternities and the sororities too.”
Monday and Tuesday will include events that feature all fraternities on campus and is sponsored by the Interfraternity Council. The purpose of these events is to educate potential recruits about Greek Life and introduce them to the different fraternities on campus. Wednesday through Friday are individual chapter events.
During the week, active members as well as the potential recruits are under the watchful eye of the Interfraternal Council to ensure that there are no violations of Rush Week rules. According to Chase Bascio, the Vice President of Recruitment for the Interfraternal Council and Phi Delta Theta member, the chapters are banned from any forms of “dirty rushing” such as promising or buying bids.
“The number one rule that is stressed to everybody [active members and recruits] is that it is a dry week,” said Bascio. “From 12 a.m. on Monday morning to 11:59 p.m. on Saturday night there should not be a single drop of alcohol consumed.”
A violation of this rule could result with expulsion from a chapter or a potential recruit not receiving a bid from any chapter.
“We’re trying to destroy the stigma…that surrounds fraternities,” Bascio said. “We have philanthropies that we are [a] part of, we each hold community service events, we have required GPAs.”
Rush Week ends on Jan. 26 with initiation for new recruits into their respective chapters.

Photo used with permission by Christopher Miofsky
Fraternity Spring Rush Events
- Interfraternity Council Rush Orientation in Spellmann 4105 (7-10 p.m.)
- Floor Hockey in Evans Commons Courts with the Interfraternity Council
- Casino Night in Spellman 3020 with Delta Tau Delta (8-9 p.m.)
- Dave & Busters with Phi Delta Theta (6-9 p.m.)
- Kokomo Joe’s with Phi Lambda Chi (5-7 p.m.)
- Paint with Bob Ross in Butler Loft with Theta Xi (6:30-8 p.m.)
- Indoor Kickball in Evans Commons Courts with Delta Tau Delta (7-9 p.m.)
- Service Night with Phi Lambda Chi (5-8 p.m.)
- Trivia in Evans Multipurpose Room with Theta Xi (6:30-8 p.m.)
- Demolition Ball at Adrenaline Zone with Delta Tau Delta
- Bowling & Laser Tag at Bowlero with Phi Delta Theta (7-11 p.m.)
- Open Chapter Room in Flowers Hall with Phi Lambda Chi (6-8 p.m.)
- Game Night in Evans Multipurpose Room with Theta Xi (6:30-8 p.m.)
Any questions? Contact Interfraternal Council VP of Recruitment, Chase Bascio at