LINDSEY FIALA | Online Editor
Student Involvement is focusing on commuter students with the addition of a commuter lounge in Evans Commons.
The lounge is located on the third floor of Evans and has a microwave and mini fridge for students to use. Student Involvement plans to add charging stations as well.
Commuters met earlier this week to talk and suggest other additions to the lounge during the Commuter Connect.
“We haven’t committed to anything except charging stations at this point just because we really want to get a better sense of how much people would use these items,” Rachael Heuermann, Student Involvement coordinator said.
According to Heuermann, the need for a commuter lounge came from students not knowing what to do or where to go in-between classes.
“They said they feel a little awkward and decide to go home because they don’t have a place to go,” Heuermann said. “Our hope for this is that people will stay on campus and maybe even get involved on campus, because if they are here hanging out and seeing people, then they have the opportunity to get more involved and not have to go home as much.”
Student Involvement plans to have monthly Commuter Coffee events where students can come and talk, have coffee and breakfast and share ideas.
The next Commuter Appreciation Week will be the week of Sept. 17 and will include perks such as free Qdoba, Chick-fil-a and Starbucks.
For more information, stop by the Student Involvement Office on the third floor of Evans Commons or e-mail Heuermann at