The Lindenwood College Republicans are hosting a care package drive to send to U.S. military deployed overseas.

The donation drive’s goal is to send 12 boxes filled with items to a unit stationed in Afghanistan. Last year, the group sent 10 boxes to another unit stationed in Qatar.
This year’s donation period was extended until Nov. 29, but the care packages are anticipated to reach soldiers at Christmas.
Students wishing to support the troops can donate non-perishable food items, NERF gear, books, magazines, games, toiletries and any item not specifically prohibited by the list, like alcohol, weaponry and controlled substances.
Students on a budget can still contribute as well, said Jonathan Dunlop, president of the College Republicans.
“Even something as simple as a letter can be really meaningful to troops stationed abroad,” he said. “They can be addressed to ‘soldier’ or left unaddressed as they will be packaged together with other items in the care package.”
Donations will be accepted until 2:30 p.m. on Nov. 29 and can be dropped off at the Veterans Affairs office in the LARC, the main office in Harmon and at several dorms across campus.
Students with any questions can contact Dunlop at