Lindenwood student tests positive for COVID-19
Photo by Alexa Pressley
March 25, 2020
An international student has tested positive for COVID-19, according to a Rave alert Lindenwood University sent out Tuesday.
According to the email, the student was the first person associated with Lindenwood reported to have COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus.
“The university has notified the St. Charles County Department of Public Health of the positive test to ensure the department is aware of the student’s test results and so that the department can follow up as appropriate with any individuals who may have been exposed,” the email said.
The email said the student tested positive after returning to their home country, and that they were last on campus March 17, but an email from University President John Porter said the student left campus March 16.
According to Porter’s email, the student’s close contacts were notified so that they could take appropriate precautions.
“First and foremost, our hearts go out to the student with wishes for a quick and full recovery,” Porter said in the email. “We are told the student is recovering at home and doing well.”
No other information has been reported about the student as of Wednesday.
For more information about COVID-19 and Lindenwood’s policies to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, visit
This is a breaking news story, and it will be updated with more information.