The New Student Portal brings tuition issues for Lindenwood students

Photo by Ben Blizzard

The transition to a new system creates delays and tuition issues.

Eva Laurens, News Editor

Lindenwood students have been experiencing a lot of tuition issues since the beginning of the spring semester.

Lindenwood University announced last year the switch from the old Student Portal to a new one called Anthology. The new portal caused a lot of issues with the tuition students had to pay.

Many students complained about the cost being different from what they had to pay before the launch of the new Student Portal.

“I have a charge that is way more than the usual number I pay per semester,” senior Mason Goffoy said. 

Junior Alicia Maciaso said that the tuition is never the same each year. 

“Tuition increases every year, and the school does not give us a heads up,” Maciaso said. “There should be more financial transparency when you get admitted to the university.”

Lindenwood Spokesperson Julee Mitsler explained the consequences of this recent transition.

“Transitioning to a new system has created delays in financial aid processing,” Mistler said. “Student Financial Services has been working diligently with many partners, both on campus and off campus, to resolve any issues impacting students.”

The university redirects students to the Student Financial Services office for any issues regarding their tuition.

“Student Financial Services team members are working with impacted students directly,” Mistler said.

Goffoy decided to deal with all these issues in person as he is still unsure whether or not the portal can be fully trusted yet.

“As of right now, I’m dealing with things in person until I know the portal is 100%,” Goffoy said.

The Student Financial Services team is available through email and their office, located on the third floor of the Spellmann center. 

“If a student is experiencing issues, they should contact Student Financial Services by emailing and the team will reply in a timely manner to assist,” Mitsler said.