Here is a recap of Wednesday’s biweekly meeting of the Lindenwood Student Government General Assembly, held in Dunseth Auditorium.
- The assembly approved the Black Student Union’s request for $574.02 to pay for food and a guest speaker for their #ExpectUs Panel, which will discuss race and activism.
- Vicki Johnson, who works for Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service, spoke about the St. Charles County homeless nonprofit and their Sleep Out Saturday event they will be holding later this year.
- Student Involvement director Angie Royal stated that Student Involvement is accepting donations for the Cinderella Project, which donates used dresses to underprivileged girls, until Feb. 14. On Feb. 15, Student Involvement is holding a munch and mingle event during lunch in Evans.
In accordance with a LSG constitutional amendment passed last semester, assembly meetings now occur every other week. The next meeting is Feb. 21 and a town hall meeting will be Feb. 14. At last week’s town hall, these funds requests were approved:
- $43.65 for International Student Fellowship’s Chinese character writing Diversity Week event
- Four requests for BSU Black History Month events: $218.87 for their Speed Dating event, $166.60 for Mind Over Matter, $59.03 for Rock the Mic, and $216.76 for Paint it Black
- A request by Campus Organization Against Sexual Assault as well as one from the College Republicans and Computer Science Club were also scheduled, but were not voted on due to those organizations’ absence from the town hall.
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