How students celebrate Family Day
Photo by Merlina San Nicolás Leyva
Students during Family Day could snap a photo in the prop booth in the lower floor of Evans Commons.
September 22, 2019
Family Day is special because students get to share their home-away-from-home with their parents.
This year’s Family Day at Lindenwood was the largest in its seven year existence, according to Student Involvement Coordinator Rachael Heuermann. The day had some unique experiences, like watching guest performers from around the world and a taste of foreign foods and drinks.
After a Departmental Expo at the Spellmann Center featuring local businesses, families moved to Evans Commons for the Fraternity and Sorority welcome, the International Festival and crafts for Lion cubs. The day capped off with the Football team taking the first win at home against William Jewell College.
Take a look at the fun.

Family day’s International Festival also included several performances:

Twins Paola and Yari Soto celebrated Family Day quite differently. Watch as they talk about how the International Student Fellowship has provided them with a family, despite being from Panama.