Lindenwood Campus Activities Board has a week of activities planned for Spring Fling from March 18 to 22.
Here is a list of what to do to celebrate Spring this year:
- Pottery and Mocktails
The first event is Pottery and Mocktails on Monday, March 18. Join CAB in the AB Leadership room from 6 to 8 p.m. Students will be given desserts, taught how to make their own mocktails, and given time to paint pottery. The pottery will be from That Painting Spot, a DIY painting business in St. Louis. Pieces of pottery will be brought to campus and once they are painted they will go back to the studio to be fired in the kiln. Once the pieces are finished, students will be notified and pick up their finished pieces from the student involvement office.
- Hayden Kristal
Then students can go to Young Auditorium Wednesday, March 20 at 7 p.m. to see Hayden Kristal perform and enjoy free appetizers and beverages. Kristal is a deaf comedian that is passionate about diversity and intersectionality, they were recently a semifinalist for Stand Up NBC and have opened for a variety of celebrities. To learn more about Hayden, check out their website.
- Food trucks
Finally, CAB has arranged for three food trucks to be parked at the Pavilion on the old side of campus on Friday, March 22 from noon to 2 p.m. Food from the trucks will be free to students of Lindenwood University. The food trucks coming to campus are Taste-D Burger, Go Gyro Go, and Dippidy Donuts.
- Spring into Service event
Don’t forget, Student Involvement will also be doing the yearly Spring into Service event. This will be all morning Sat. March 23, students will be divided into groups and participate in different service projects. Check out InvolveU or email Hunter Davis at if you want to participate this year.