Here is a recap of Wednesday’s biweekly meeting of the Lindenwood Student Government General Assembly, held in Dunseth Auditorium.
- Student Involvement Director Angie Royal announced a plan which would drastically change LSG, replacing the current system which has representatives from each student organization with 23 appointed Student Senators and an elected executive board. Royal said these changes, which could go into effect next semester, were proposed to represent the student body in a more diverse way.
- In the plan, the senate consists of
- One senator from each of the seven academic colleges
- Three Greek Life senators
- Five senators representing the non-Greek student organizations
- A Residence Hall Association senator
- A commuter student senator
- A Campus Activities Board senator
- A Freshman Council senator
- A Student Athlete Advisory Council senator
- A student life sports senator
- Two senators-at-large who require a petition signed by 15 students to be appointed
- The executive board will consist of
- A president
- A vice president of finance, who will chair the finance committee, which meets weekly to approve funds requests
- A vice president of community outreach
- A vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion
- A vice president of public relations, who will plan LSG events and manage LSG social media.
- A vice president of academic affairs, who will chair the academic affairs committee, which creates bills about student concerns related to academic issues and votes on the admission of new academic student orgs
- A vice president of student relations and involvement, who will chair the student relations and involvement committee, which creates bills about other student concerns and votes on admission of other new orgs
- Students who want to run for the executive board must apply on Involve U by March 23, and applications to be a commuter, student org, or at large senator are due Apr. 2.
- Under this plan, general assembly meetings will occur on the last Sunday of each month, rather than biweekly.
- In the plan, the senate consists of
- The general assembly discussed potential names for campus roads. Currently, all streets on campus are named John Weber Drive. Students suggested names such as Shonrock Way, Roar Avenue and Canadian Goose Avenue. LSG President Nick Stone said university administration is considering renaming some of the roadways and students with suggestions should send them to LSG social media or email him at
- Co-educational Latino fraternity Alpha Psi Lambda was voted in as a new student organization.
- Speaker of the Senate Nam Nguyen said library services is conducting focus groups on the Library and Academic Resources Center, and students interested in providing feedback should contact Access Services Director Lisa Young at
- The general assembly voted to provide the Exercise Science Student Organization and Students of Leisure and Recreation $706.50 to fund their spring kickoff barbecue.
In accordance with a LSG constitutional amendment passed last semester, assembly meetings now occur every other week. The next general assembly meeting is Mar. 21. The following happened at last week’s non-mandatory town hall:
- A funding request by the Mathematics Club for $157.36 was approved.
- Nguyen said LSG is looking to address student concerns about a lack of seating in the LARC lobby and Stone said they are also looking into extending the hours the LARC is open at night.
- Stone also mentioned potentially improving the prices in the spirit shop as well as purchasing a “medium-sized boulder” as a spirit rock students could paint.
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