Lauren Whan | Contributing Writer
From Print [Apr. 22,2014] | Legacy
The 40 x 20 ft. pool in Butler Loft has only undergone two renovations since the 20th century and is practically begging for its third according to Work and Learn students. Work and Learn students sat in the pool’s lobby working on homework, discussing the conditions of the pool and talking about the ease of their job. Business major Julia Hankammer said her Work and Learn hours are used towards getting homework done, eating a small snack and watching Netflix if there’s no work to be done. “Sometimes small groups of friends come in but I would guess that right around three people per week actually come in to swim.” She said students often forget we have a pool because it’s old and tucked away out of sight.
Junior Jill Schwarzenstein said that there has been a proposal to fill in the pool with concrete but a donation by Dorothy Warner, who has an honorary plaque outside the pool, saved the pool from being shutdown. Lindenwood’s archives show that in 1986 alumna Dorothy Warner donated $25,000 to sponsor renovations that the pool needed to fix cracks in the pool, repaint and re-tile the complex. But changes and renovations are needed again as new problems have occurred over the last 28 years. “They began to remodel the men’s bathroom last semester but haven’t finished yet. A new ceiling and patching the wall still needs to be done.” Dylan Paul, the Junior class senator, used to work at the pool and now says it’s more like a “Glorified Bathtub.”
He worked hard to help improve the pool by notifying the pool’s supervisor that an emergency phone needed to be provided as well as rescue tubes and proper pool licensing. Paul also added that “At Six Flags St. Louis we check water levels every hour.” He hopes that in the future Lindenwood will build a completely new pool complex and turn the one in Butler Loft into a little museum showcasing the oldest pool west of the Mississippi.
Additionally, Freshmen Miranda Monroe said she likes her job on campus but that Lindenwood needs to “Beef up the pool a bit and paint the place differently. The walls are cracking and continue to crack when I’m sweeping.” She believes a new pool needs to be built because the current pool isn’t long enough nor considered a standardized pool by today’s standard. She pointed out the pool isn’t handicap accessible and has a slight mildew smell.
Besides being an eyesore, Butler Pool is functional according to Graduate assistant Dylan Palmer-Givan. “I think the pool is highly underutilized by the student population and I would like to see more people take advantage of the facility.” said Palmer-Givan. His job is to check the pH and chlorine levels daily along with communicating and managing undergraduate Work and Learn students. He also said the school’s aquatic permit has been renewed but that it hasn’t been put on display yet. All other city and state permits and policies are posted and available for the public to view.
For further information about the pools hours, rules and conditions contact the Men’s and Women’s Swimming Assistant Coach Jonathon Lau, by phone at 636-949-4403 or email at