Ron (left), Megan Smith (right) joined by friend Rachel Palmer (middle)
Sergio Poveda | Staff Reporter
November 24, 2012; 2:30 p.m.
On the rainy night of Friday, Nov. 21, several bikers, families and groups of friends came to Main Street in St. Charles to see a performance by local duo treeFROG at The Crooked Tree Coffee House.
Lyrics that evoke support or intangible feelings, such as “I love you like rainbows so high/ As the storm passes by, child, I give you my peace,” were sang by bandleader Megan Smith, whose mezzo-soprano voice resounded in the place and inspired positive vibes in people.
“The coffee scent and the music of treeFROG assured a relaxing atmosphere,” said LU junior Haruka Kawata.

treeFROG plays for a group of coffee drinkers
Since 2011, bass player Ron Smith has complemented the Megan’s voice. Their music mixes Christian topics, indie rock and improvisation. Ron occasionally tuned a piano. Moreover, Tree Frog encouraged their friend, Rachel Palmer, who majors in Music at LU, to interpret the melody “Be Thou My Vision.”
This mixture was celebrated by the audience. Audience member Mai Urai highlighted “the singer’s clear voice made me happy.” Moreover, the band sold colorful bracelets for $1.
treeFROG comments on life through stories that remark faith, love and the importance of communication. Their album “Like Rain” is available for download at treefroggeneration.com.