Here is a recap of Wednesday’s biweekly meeting of the Lindenwood Student Government General Assembly, held in Dunseth Auditorium.
- The assembly voted to recognize a new organization known as Best Buddies. The group creates friendships between people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and other students.
- The International Student Fellowship requested $881.95 for its East Meets West American Folk Dance event to provide food and hire a dance caller. The assembly approved this request.
- The student senate introduced committees which have been formed to accomplish particular goals.
- The recycling committee, chaired by Jack Bedtke, aims to expand recycling on campus, and is partnering with Residents Hall Association to do so.
- According to Sabrina Clements, head of the security committee, the purpose of the committee is to make students feel safer on campus, particularly on the heritage side, which suffers from a lack of security cameras and sufficient lighting.
- The event committee is headed by Mackenzie Komeshak.
- Whitney Mathison, director of the student counseling and resource center, spoke to the assembly about raising awareness of the mental health services provided by the center and the Mind over Matter event on Feb. 8. Also, area coordinator Deidre Merli spoke about the Easter egg hunt event the RHA plans to hold.
- As at last week’s non-mandatory town hall, student involvement director Angie Royal accepted feedback about the proposed tier system changes for next semester.
In accordance with a LSG constitutional amendment passed last semester, assembly meetings now occur every other week. The next meeting is Feb. 7 and a town hall meeting will be Jan. 31. At last week’s town hall, three funds requests by Delta Sigma Pi were approved: $272.71 for a game show night, $75.75 for A Piece of Cake with DSP and $70.68 for a Blues game viewing party. The senate also provided updates on potential developing projects, including providing to go boxes in dining halls and having the university charge higher tuition for students taking more credit hours.