Lindenwood’s “Black History Month Celebration” event brings students and faculty together
Photo by Eva Laurens
Lindenwood students sharing soul food in Evans Commons on Feb. 28.
March 11, 2022
Every February, the United States celebrates the culture and the history of African Americans during Black History Month.
On Feb. 28, students and faculty gathered in Evans Commons to share and celebrate Black History month. This “Black History Month Celebration” event was put on by Residential Life.
Students were able to talk with each other and listen to speeches and poems while eating and sharing soul food.
“I didn’t know much about Black History Month before going to the event,” student Nicholas Nedved said, “but I was hoping I could learn more.”
Emily Pitts, Lindenwood’s chief diversity officer, gave a speech during the Black History Month event in Evans Commons.
“I always feel like it is one thing to just hear about issues people have on the news or something,” student David Horvath said. “But it is an entirely different story when you hear it from a person who actually experiences problems.”
Born in Tennessee, Pitts was always encouraged to be a life learner and treat everyone with respect.
“It’s not about where you’re from, it’s about where you’re going,” Pitts said.

Pitts talked about the history of African Americans and the month dedicated to their celebration. She explained how in 1926, this celebration was only for a week before it started to be celebrated for a month.
“But why a month?” Pitts said. “There are so many accomplishments of African Americans to celebrate.”
During her speech, Pitts mentioned names of African Americans who marked history. Some of them were Harriett Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson, Barack Obama and Michael Jordan.
“I was actually pleasantly surprised that it was a super positive and welcoming event for everybody,” Nedved said. “The guest speaker did a fantastic job explaining the purpose of the month and its importance.”
“That was a good thing that I think all people should hear,” Horvath said. “I feel like it will help me always male sure I am living my life right and insuring that I treat everybody with respect and as an equal.”
On the third floor of Spellman, the Center of Diversity “for everyone to come and be your authentic self,” Pitts said.

This event was created by Residential Life to bring students together and help them “seek to understand each other”.
“Imagine if we were all the same, it would be kind of boring right?” Pitts said.