Andrew Dunn spins his “snowball” during last night’s Greek Week event
Daniel Rottlaender | Staff Reporter
November 18, 2014; 2:00 p.m.
Phi Lambda Phi kicked off Greek Week last night with a “Snowball Fight” at the Evans Multipurpose Court. Since real snow was not permitted in the gym, the fraternity provided foam balls in order to supersede snowballs.
“It’s the first time we ever organized the Snowball event,” said event organizer Ethan Adelman. “I hope our event will attract a lot of students to have a good time with us.”
The approximately 50 participants formed two teams and played a game with regular dodgeball rules: if any player is hit by a ball, that person is out. Anyone who catches a ball can bring one benched teammate back in. Gradually, the players started to add new rules. For example, when one player did catch a ball, he had to switch the teams. That created new game situations and added an extra level of excitement to it.

Snowball Fight participants in action
“Dodgeball is a fun sport ad it’s always fun to play it with a lot of people,” said sophomore Andrew Dunn. “Even though I injured my finger, I still want to play.”
Greek Week continues tonight with Delta Tau Delta’s “Frost” (a winter-themed spin on a “roast,” which honors people by dishonoring them), which will take place at 8 p.m at Dunseth Auditorium. For more information, check out Lindenwood Greek Life’s Facebook page.